
Home Services Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing

In order to comply with the liabilities set forth in the Resolutions issued by the Financial Information Unit (known as Unidad de Información Financiera), the Central Bank's (Banco Central de la República Argentina) communications and other international financial organisms or entities (FATF and GAFISUD Recommendations, Resolutions issued by foreign Correspondent Banks), PKF Argentina is focused on providing services related to these rules, so that obliged parties pursuant to sub-section 20 of Law 25246 may take due notice of the course of action to undertake in order to comply with their liability in a matter as sensitive and current.

Regardless of the above, we, as obliged parties pursuant to legal provisions, have implemented an additional anti-money laundering work program to our professional tasks, with the purpose of duly complying with our responsibility as external auditors and/or statutory auditors.

Our Professional Services

  • Training courses, specific coaching and knowledge assessment test.

The responsibility undertaken by the Compliance Officer can be met throughout the performance of regular tasks and procedures that support the compliance with his/her duties.

Said function requires permanent advice on the matter as well as the advice on the monitoring of the control systems executed to be updated in the new crime definitions in anti-money laundering and terrorism financing.

For that purpose we have developed the position of External Assistant to the Officer who complies with said approach.

  • Development and preparation of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Policies and Procedures Manuals.

In order to properly manage anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, internal policies should be set forth as well as manuals detailing the policies, parameters and procedures to comply with the relevant local law, the applicable regulations at global level and thus lower the chances of criminal abuse. The procedures should involve: clients' knowledge level, opening of accounts, monitoring of the existent ones, information flows and connection with the local Financial Information Unit and with the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina.

  • Design and implementation of "Know your Client" policy.

Obliged parties shall develop an anti-money laundering program based in the knowledge of their client in their three aspects; acceptance, identification and follow-up of the clients' operations. In order to accomplish this, policies, procedures and internal control systems that enable preventing and detecting unusual and/or suspicious transactions shall be defined so as to prevent other organizations from using them to launder money or finance terrorism.

This need can be met by means of our customized advice for defining and preparing the risk pattern of the entity as a whole in accordance with the clients' profile and the number of transactions; with the definition and implementation of the clients' profiles, in the execution of the integration and update of the files based in risks and monitoring clients' operations.

  • Advice to the Compliance Officer

The responsibility undertaken by the Compliance Officer can be met throughout the performance of regular tasks and procedures that support the compliance with his/her duties.

Said function requires permanent advice on the matter as well as the advice on the monitoring of the control systems executed to be updated in the new crime definitions in anti-money laundering and terrorism financing.

For that purpose we have developed the position of External Assistant to the Officer who complies with said approach.

  • Compliance Audits.

An acceptable compliance program for the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing should involve regular audits carried out by an independent auditor with the purpose of determining the existence, functioning and effectiveness of the implemented Anti-Money Laundering Program.

Our experience

  • Training on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing
  • Regular Compliance Control Audits on Anti-Money Laundering
  • Anti-Money Laundering Procedure Manuals
  • Technical Assistance to the Compliance Officer's tasks
  • Compliance Audits